Amblica Forte Capsules is a Super Performer. Amblica Forte Capsules is useful in impotence ( in both Phychosomatic and misguided youth), Loss of Libido, Premature ejaculation, Female Frigidity and debilitating illness.Amblica Forte Capsules provides natural human right by improving performance.

Amblica Forte Capsules gives the couple heaven of happiness. Amblica ForteCapsules brings vitality during convalescence.

Amblica Forte is not a Placebo, it works. Hence u can use Amblica Forte Capsules in Impotence, Loss of Libido Premature ejaculation, female frigidity and debilitating illness.

ASHWAGANDHA Spermatogenesis.
(Withania Somnifra)

Alleviates female frigidity and increases Sex desire, promotes
SAFED MUSLI strength and energy.
(Asparagus Adescendena)

Promotes Spermatogenesis, provides mental, physical and sexual
(Desmodium Gaggeticum)

Increases appetite, libido and provides sense of well being.
(Emblica Officinalis)

Contains abundance of Vitamin-C and Calcium, also has proteins, fats, iron is rich source of energy. Effective on pelvic inflammatory disorders of female  and alleviates         
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